2021 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Control
Prof. Samir Ladaci, National Polytechnic School of Constantine, Algeria

Prof. Samir Ladaci, National Polytechnic School of Constantine, Algeria

Prof.Samir Ladaci.png

Research Area:

Fractional order Systems and Control, Fractional Adaptive Control, Robust Control, Optimal control, Nonlinear systems and control Identification

Research Experience:

- Member of the administration council of the ENP Constantine, elected on February 1st, 2021.

- President of the scientific committee of E.E.A. department ENP Constantine, since 31 July 2019.

- Head of the Doctoral Committee in Automatics, Department of EEA, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique of Constantine, since September 2018.

- Member of the « Commission Universitaire Nationale (CUN) », 42th Session, 20-21 July 2019, 43rd July 11-12 2020, Ministry of MESRS, Algiers. 

-  Vice-Dean Faculty of Sciences & Sciences of Engineering, for Post-graduation, research and external relationships: University of 20 August 55 Skikda, from 20/12/2004 to 10/01/2006.

-  Responsible and initiator of Master “Industrial Information”, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Skikda, (agreement for 2011-2012) , until 30 November 2013. 

- Member of the Scientific Council of ENP Constantine since September 2014 – Mai 2016 (Representing magisterial range teachers)

- Member of the scientific committee of E.E.A. department ENP Constantine since September 2014 up to now.